Sunday, February 3, 2008

SLIGHT change of plans

Alright.... so my adventure began at 4:30 am and came to a screeching halt (literally) at about 8:30am.
I was originally taking this trip alone but last minute, my brother was able to get the time off work so I had someone to go through this with... thank GOD!
we hit some ice and flew across a few lanes before rolling, but thankfully we walked away un-scratched. I got a nasty bruise, but all that is really damaged is my car and my plans. ;)
Um... I think the pictures say enough.

An ambulance showed up... dont know who called them though.

As soon as we stopped sliding, I had a moment of complete shock and then just started laughing.... What else can you do, It's just a car. :)

We are sitting in a really icky hotel right now, but it's all there is in this middle-of-nowhere town. The insurance adjustor cant assess the damage until tomorrow so it looks like we are stuck here for the night. The guy at the body shop thinks it's totaled. *SIGH*

well, I wanted an adventure... looks like I get a FULL ON adventure :)

[edit: The estimated cost of repairs were just quoted at $10,015.24.... basically the entire LEFT side needs to be cut off another car and welded onto mine]


Shannon McFarland said...

OH MY GOODNESS....I don't know you, but I have been following your blog for quite awhile now, & I have to say, you REALLY got my heart when you said you were moving to Boston!!! I spent the whole summer there as a Nanny & LOVED IT!!! I am orig. from NY (Dutchess County...which you will go through I believe on your way to'll be about 3 hours away once you hit the NY/CT border on 84) currently in Alabama....My family & I moved last summer from Phoenix, AZ to Madison, AL (2 kids 1.5yr old & a 4yr old, 2 dogs, 2 cars, & ALL our stuff)so I had a really good idea what type of adventure you were about to embark on...Yes they can be SO MUCH FUN....until you end up on your happy to hear laughter on that video!!!! I hope this temporary hold up goes quickly & you get back on the road again soon!!! May the rest of your journey be less eventful!!!! least you'll be able to see the Superbowl now...Go GIANTS...LOL
Many Blessings!!!!
; Shannon

Amy Martin said...

Yikes, Shyla!! I'm glad you're ok and have kept your spirit in tact :)

wrecklessgirl said...

whoa, oh my word child! i'm' so glad you're okay....this could've been sooo much worse. i'm surprised you made it out unscathed. blessings...


Anonymous said...


Glad to year you're okay, though!


Angie said...

Oh shoot!! Are you kidding me?
Thank God you're safe! You have a great attitude about it all-you are truly one of the most positive people I've ever met.

Hope all is resolved quickly.

jason groupp said...

OMG. I'm so happy you're OK, but I have to admit, I'm laughing. :) Big hug!

Rodolfo Arpia said...

OMG Shyla... I'm so glad you guys are alright. Keep us posted!

PURE Studios said...

Whoa...So glad you are OK! Love that you're laughing about it all...nothing will get in the way of your's all part of the ride, huh?! Hmmm, maybe there's something to be photographed in this town, and God made sure you were there to capture it! Stay safe.

Liana said...

When Mike said "I told Shy we'd say a prayer for a safe trip and she emailed back joking 'thanks, I just rolled my car'" ... I thought 'oh, Shy wouldn't joke about that'!!' then had to make sure.

No way!! WoW. WOW. WOW. I'm so glad you're both SAFE after all!! What an adventure you've had in '08 so far! I fly to Detroit tomorrow... maybe I'll see you in the airport since our cross-country road trip #2 didn't work out??


kennykimdotcom said...

Shyla, I hope you guys are alright. I'll lift you up in prayer!

Jeff said...

Wow Shy! I'm so glad you guys are okay - what a blessing!

Anonymous said...

I love you.
I've been thinking about you ALL day.

Please update me soon.

love love love


Shyla said...

Shannon- Thanks so much for stopping by! I was sad to see the Giants win but thats ok, it was an amazing underdog victory to say the least. Id love to hear more of your Boston adventures. please do share :)

Jason- I am glad we can laugh together! Its only a car... and it makes it even better getting a hug from ya! ;)

Liana, we fly through Detroit on the 6th, will you be there?

EVERYONE ELSE- Thank you so much for all the calls and emails... you are all amazing and I just felt so loved :) xoxoxo

STEVE DePINO said...

I guess you are ok but that is a scary sight.
Keep us up dated

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are okay! That stuff is scary!!!

Whew! I'm so glad your brother was there with you and that you both are alright!!!

Love you.

Dustin Steller said...

EEek! I am so glad you are okay!!! I am glad everything is cool! Good luck with the new side of your vehicle. And....SAFE TRAVELS!!

Justin Marantz said...

Holy Cow! We're SO glad you guys are alright! We can't wait to see you, but take your time. What an adventure!

c r y s t a l said...

OH my!! Shy, I am so glad you guys are okay. Wow! I'm thinking about you, hun. Way to look at this in a positive light, girl. That is sooo you!

Love you!

Corey McNabb said...

Good Grief! I'm glad you're ok!!

Urban Bridesmaid Photography... said...

Gosh! I am so glad you are ok!

Yuka photo Art said...

You are alive! This is an important thing!!! I whish you good luck in your future trips :-)

|| davidjay || said...

YOU HAVE BAD CARMA! ... lol...ok....that was a cheasy dad joke but SERIOUSLY!!!! THIS IS UNREAL!

You need to search into your past and apologize, repent, sacrifice....haha...for something you did to a car!

Brittany Leigh said...

OMG Shy!!! I'm so very glad you're ok! thank God!

I have some friends who are in critical condition, and lost their baby in a really bad car accident yesterday morning... so be super thankful love!

miss you!

Anonymous said...

hi shyla! i rarely comment, but have been reading your blog ever since you interviewed for me on the woai website. just had to chime in too, to say that i'm so glad you and your brother are okay. xo

PicturesByTracy said...

O'Shyla:( I'm so glad your OK.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're o.k. You definitely have a team of guardian angels. Big Hugs.

Krista Photography said...

Yikes! Thank God you and your brother are OK!!!

Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

Oh my gosh Shy! I'm soooo glad you are ok! How completely scary to go through. With the estimated fee of damage repairs, maybe this is God's way of telling you it's time to treat yourself to a new car! :-)

Copper Siegel said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now, but I have never left you a comment. This seemed like the right time to do so! I am really glad to hear that you and your brother are safe after such a scary-looking accident!
I love your work, and you seem like a vibrant and genuine person. God bless all your endeavors, and have fun on your new adventure!

Eddie Bojorquez (Studio 512) said...
Really glad you're okay but I'm sad about your ride. Your reaction is priceless and I know God honors our efforts to not get nutty and ballistic. You're a fine example. : )

Erin Melenbacker said...

Shyla, I'm so glad you guys are safe. The feeling of sliding on the interstate is scary. I'm glad you were able to laugh about it. Well, looks like we won't being seeing you this time, but know there's always a place for you to stay next time you come through :) Praying for the rest of your travels to be safe.

Anastasyia And Tiqvah. said...

UGH! that SO sucks!!! Thank goodness you wernt hurt!!!
Anna Quiz

Jasmine said...

OHMYGOD!!!!! i can't believe this!!!! where have i been?!? you should've called me for prayer!! omg...i love you. i hope all is okay. i'm so sad for you. i love you!!!!

Kenzie Shores Photography said...

WOW. I'm glad you're ok, holy cow! thats insane.


thank the good Lord you are ok! maybe you should come back ;) we all love you and pray that your life there is blessed! be careful!!! driving out there is so different than here. when our good friend moved to ohio from here the first day there she hit an ice patch and crashed her car into a mailbox. took that baby OUT! thankfully she too was ok. xoxo

sandie jo salisbury said...

wow! So sad, your car.. So happy you are good and okay, you and your bro! Miss having you in CA!

Anonymous said...

I have a cat that rolls over
for treats
Was that car a rabbit? heheh
Live long to tell about it girl
Glad to know you are ok..

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