Given the weather in the northwest, we are often forced to shoot INSIDE, so, thanks to Kathy, I have had the awesome opportunity to play around in a studio. You may remember her kids from a few posts down.... This time, however, we not only had an awesome model but we had a snake handler who brought out all their snakes!
I was so excited for this shoot because I've always been fascinated by snakes. I even got to hold them inbetween outfit changes and speak Parseltongue to them. (ok, so maybe I didnt speak parseltongue...)
Anyway, I think there were 9 in all but my favorite was named Satan. He is the black snake in the first shot. Beautiful markings 'eh?
Before the shoot, I was holding the 8ftr around my neck and since I was warm, she began to squeeeeeeze... rather tightly. She wasnt trying to hurt me but it was an interesting experience to say the least :)
fun times.
Here are a few of my favorite shots.... :)

Thank You Kathy for this awesome opportunity!!! Check out her blog as well as Shannon's for more pics!
The last two photos are way too cool! Great lighting, tone, etc. I'm very impressed! :-)
Love it, love it!! You are a rock star!
in the words of paris hilton, that's hot!
holy moly! you are brave and so is this model. Sure did create some amazing shots though!
Wow... that would be fun! A couple years back we went to a friends house and they had a couple snakes, they were so soft!!!! It was fun! What wardrobe changes did you have to wait around for... she isn't wearing much.... ;) Scandalous! ;) Love shots!
I heart you! I couldn't wait to see your shots from this, and you didn't disappoint! I will have mine up soon. I love every single one of these. I'm glad that we were all able to get such different shots. Fun times as always. Have a safe trip and call when you get back. K
oh man, these are so awesome!
I just realized I forgot to comment on these. Although I am NOT a fan of snakes.. these are amazing shyla! The next to last one- oh. my. gosh. incredible! :)
These are AWESOME! I love shooting in the studio with that sort of "dark" lighting.
Wow I am trying to push my jaw back up in place...seriously I am all over these images! LOVE them!
-Melissa E Earle
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