Its been a fabulous two years. I cannot thank you enough for ushering me through the good times and the bad, growing me to where I am today and accompanying me on many many adventures. Studying and knowing you more intimately has not only been a joy but has changed the way I do life, not to mention who I am. It's because of you that my life is at the point it is today. I am a firm believer that God brings certain things in our lives to grow us, change us, refine us, make us smile, and get us to where we need to be. You, my friend, have succeeded in doing just that. You have excelled in what you were commissioned to do, so to that I say thank you.
Unfortunately, I have met someone new and after months of mind wrestling decision making, it is time I move on to something different. It's only fair I tell you we met over a year ago and have had several secret rendezvous along the way. I felt guilty cheating on you, but I seemed to like who I was and what I produced with this "other" so much that I simply couldnt shake it. With that in mind, I must follow my heart and say goodbye.
We have many mutual friends who are loyal to you and that tried to convince me otherwise, but my decision is made.
I hope we can all still be friends.
Please know I will never forget you and you will always hold a special place in my heart. Afterall, they always say you never forget your first.
So Mr. Nikon, thank you for everything but I bought my first Canon today. ;)

(ps) Im a little giddy ;)
Yahooowwowwweeeee! Congrats on getting a professional camera! :) So, what did you get?
Sweet shyla! Welcome to the canon family!!! :)
Wooohooooo!!!! I'm SO happy for you!
hahaha i love it!! :)
haha. This is sooo funny! Congrats Shyla! Welcome to Canon!
Jeff: I got a 5 D-licious!
even though the decision was hard and your nikon may miss you at times, it will always have your memories to share. some people stay in a relationship just because its comfortable but that doesn't make it right. i'm glad you had the strength to make that decision, a valiant choice!
(hahaha.... thats pretty much the funniest thing i've ever read. you'll be very happy, welcome to the canon family ;))
Sweet! Welcome to the club! :) You'll like it here.
oh HELL yeah. does this mean you don't have to "borrow" mine every time we shoot now?
that's wicked awesome shyguy. make sure the first 32 actuations are good ones :] the meantime I'm sticking with Nikon, so if you're selling some of that Nikon gear just let me know! :)
You rock. This cracks me up. Welcome to the Canon family!
ok my friend, first off your comment floored me. coming from such an incredible artist i'm blown away. thank you SO much!!!xoxo now, secondly while reading your post i got an empty feeling in my tummy, thinkin to myself, "oh no please don't tell me she found someone, is flying to the moon and will never grace us with her art again" silly i know. i was reading through the post like a mad man. then the awesome news. phew!!! yay canon!! hehe. cannot wait to see what ridiculous images you get with that bad boy!!! ok now i'm fine :O)
oh yah, and "wicked" LOVE IT!!! we so want to visit boston and new york. hopefully soon!
I Second Krista. Traitor! ;)
I won't say much but I bet precious will. Unless he is dumped the feed to your blog. Hey you there? couldn't talk any sense in to her?
Whatever Shooting with the D700 in Fenway Park this weekend no Canon users allowed. :)
Dude, I went from Canon Rebel to Nikon D300. I'm so confused. :(
Oh silly eric, you cant get rid of me THAT easily. You're one of the culprits who brought me to the dark side, now you get to teach me the ways of the Darth Laurits.
Ohana- you two make me smile. seriously. I promise I'm not going anywhere...although a trip to the moon does sound appealing.
Fedsters- "precious" TRIED to hold me back but the force was too strong. I simply had to follow my heart.<3 ;)
hahaha. precious. that is AWESOME. i'm so calling him that at every opportunity now.
also, i am a double fisted 5d shooter and i tried to convince her to hop on that d700 train, too, but she wasn't having any of it.
if the d300 had been the d700...i'd still be a nikon girl. i makes more sense.
It's OK. We can still be friends. Just go take your 95% viewfinder and 3 year old technology and think about what you've done first. :-)
LMAO~ you are too cute! And oh SO smart for making the switch! you wont regret it! hehe
SWEET! (said in the Napolean Dynamite voice)
Woo hoo, welcome to the awesomeness that is the 5D :)
Your post cracked me up, when I first read it I was nervous....thank goodness it's good news :)
That was quite entertaining to read and I loved the ending :-) Welcome to team Canon.
Yeah.....welcome to the family. You are going to LOVE it! I loved your letter, so FUNNY!
yippee! Way to go girl. I'm so excited for you. It was great seeing you in Kansas.
WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Break on through to the other side.... ;-)
Just when I thought you couldn't get sexier...
Welcome to the dark side! Congrats.
Wow congrats Shyla! Welcome to the Canon clan =)
Hey, babe, congrats! Yes, following your heart is what you should do, always! :)))
Your new love will be picked up shortly!
p.s. you are hillarious! i enjoyed reading this letter soooo much!
ROFLOL!!! You really had me going for a minute there!
Welcome to the beautiful, wide world of Canon! =D
Whoa. 1. You're awesome. 2. WOOHOO for 5-Delicious! That's the one I want and will hopefully get soon... at least one day in the future. I am so glad you made the switch before I come see you again 'cause I didn't know that you we're Nikon when I saw you yesterday and probably wouldn't have introduced myself. But, since you left that part out, AND switched over to Canon, you have the great pleasure of knowing me. ;)
You rock, Shyla babe.
I thought I commented already...
you will LOVE It the 5D is my new baby as well (got it in may) and you will have to pry it from my hands to get me to let go of it... it's a great camera!
WOOOOOOOOOOW. very well written! you had me up to the last sentence! whatever works, right? ;)
HECK YES!!! Hahaha :) I'm so excited for you! I know it was a tough decision, but I'm telling you it will change your life :)
HECK YES!!! Hahaha :) I'm so excited for you! I know it was a tough decision, but I'm telling you it will change your life :)
HECK YES!!! Hahaha :) I'm so excited for you! I know it was a tough decision, but I'm telling you it will change your life :)
HECK YES!!! Hahaha :) I'm so excited for you! I know it was a tough decision, but I'm telling you it will change your life :)
Shhhhh... I have a secret too... I befriend a Canon someday soon. ;) But for now, I am a strong supporter of Nikon... so long as it's what's in my bag :)
Awesome post girl! Love it... it totally made me laugh, and hard enough I had to share it with my husband!!
Hope to see ya again someday! Talk to you later - Jen
A tear of joy.
I'm so glad that you finally saw the light!!!
hahaha....yeah!!! go shy! hey lovely lady! i miss you terribly!
Nice Shy! Just bought my 1st 5D a couple months ago and I LOVE it! And I'm about to buy my 2nd, before Canon replaces it with the 5D MarkII (rumors are it will retail for over $3,000!). Welcome to the "fun" side!
This is hilarious. I hope you're enjoying your new camera!! Can't wait to see what you produce with it :)
Congratulations!!! You're gonna love the colors pop off your prints!!
welcome to the brighter side of photography:)
Awesome Shyla!!
What are you going to do with all your Nikon stuff?? I'm a Nikon user maybe you have some stuff that you send my way???
welcome to the "bright side" ;-)
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