All I have to say is that every woman deserved to be loved this way and every man as well. Over dinner the other night we were all in tears at different points of the conversation. Omar over the amazing gift he found in Nene, and Nene over the beautiful story and hand that God played in the formation of their relationship. Then there was me who just got emotional watching their love. It all sounds cheesy I know but at least it's true.
Nene and her family are from Afghanistan so I was in heaven hearing the familiar spoken Farsi. It reminded me of my house as a small child. And even better was the yummy food her family cooked for me the night before our shoot..... (key to my heart: middle eastern food).
I'm about to board the plane home to Boston so I have to hustle but here are a few to entertain until I can get to the real editing.
Nene and Omar: I adore you two... thank you for everything! I can't wait to shoot your wedding in Cabo this June!

As soon as I heard you had a "64", (pronounced six-fo) I was so excited to see these! Great job! love the broken down, fiance bummed shot!
Holy beauty Shyla - these are amazing!!! And seriously on her eyelashes? Are you kidding me?!! You killed it lady!!!
Awww I love them!
I love the story told through the photos! Beautiful! :)
Holy Incredibleness! Wow. This is my favorite thing you've done lately. I seriously want to move in with you this summer so that I can learn everything you know and have sooo much fun!
Shyla, you have such an incredible gift for story telling in your photography! Love these!
wow these are hot!
holy moly!!! you are so flippin amazing!!! this set is too HOTTT! I love every image! Shyla, you ROCK!:)
Holy Salma Hayek look-alike, Batman!! These rock my face! And, speaking of ROCKS -- ohmyJesus! Please tell me that's Cubic Zarconia!
Amazing shoot, friend!
Love these with the car! So cute! Great job!
Thanks everyone.... This shoot rocked my face off! They were such an awesome couple. the camera loved them :)
And Chip, that is not CZ... I think I had the same reaction at first thought too! ;)
You are the best Shyla!! I am so happpy with all your hard work!! And I just stole the phrase, you rocked my dace off!!"
Great stuff Shyla!
These are BEFORE the real editing? Ummm....yeeeaaah...YOU rock my face off;-) These are awesome! What a beautiful, fun couple.
Really love the expression on her face in the second to last image - they are all fantastic!
I didn't even notice the ring because the couple is so beautiful and I got totally swept up in the story. I had to go back and check it out...and got caught up in the story all over again. I love this shoot, but then again, I never underestimate your awesomeness!
my brother is the cutest guy. my husband 1st. I remember clearly when I was 12 "Karla I'm going to buy a 64 red impala one day k ? Your going to ride w/ me" Sure sure did! I'm proud of him. Your the best bro. in the world.
Thank you Shyla for shooting my brother in his dream car. His smiles are so real!
Love it! Amazing job! I love how you captured their love for each other and I love the humor of the 2nd to last photo. Amazing! I bet their wedding is going to be lots of fun to shoot!
I just LOVE the pix...the red car and her white outfit is perfect....great job!!!!
Nice work. Natural posing and interaction. :)
These are hot! What a beautiful couple.
Love it! Love them! Nice choice with the great car as well. Omar and Nene I miss you guys and you look fantastic.
LOVE these!
I love the car. What a sexy couple!
Eeeek! SO fabulous!!! Love them!! :)
It's official...I'm a stalker that is!! guess it's time for me to comment huh? this session is so Hot... I loVe it....
These are adorable! So full of life and spunk and personality - love the car and all the fun ways you used it :)
Almost too good ;)
Team Yu
These are truely amazing, and I am even more excited to have you shoot us this coming May!
They are gorgeous. I love this shoot!
Also LOVED hanging out tonight. I'm so glad you are here:)
These are absolutely fabulous shots! I love how the couple's personality just shines through. And dude, hot bride!
shy girl! you're just amazing! my fav is the image of nene sittin while omar "works" on the car. love her expression!
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