Driving home from a shoot this afternoon I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was this gentleman jumping up and down... on the lake! I immediately slammed on my brakes and whipped a U-ey to go out on the lake myself. I mean, HE wasn't falling in, so sure it would hold me too, right?
I have never ever ever been on a frozen lake before and there is something so magical about it to me. It's something on my list for this winter so I figured it didn't matter that I was only wearing cowboy boots. ha.
Anyway, as I pulled in, the gentleman was headed back to his car to grab his skates... I asked him if I could grab a few pictures and we sat and chit chatted for a bit. I found out he was on his way to an a capella concert that he was singing in, and we all know how much I love aCapella! His presence just made me smile. Someone so alive that they would indulge in simple pleasures of the moment... simple pleasures like throwing on a pair of skates and taking advantage of a frozen pond.
Watching him out there was exactly what I want to be like when I grow up. I never want to lose the joy in being carefree and raptured by nature.
Since the sun was gone and I was without a flash, I had to bump the ISO up to like 48,000,000,000. But here are a few images I thought I'd share. Afterall, experiences are better when shared with others :)
this one is my FAV.
Im on a high right now because I just walked on a frozen lake.... I am way too easily amused.