Driving home from a shoot this afternoon I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was this gentleman jumping up and down... on the lake! I immediately slammed on my brakes and whipped a U-ey to go out on the lake myself. I mean, HE wasn't falling in, so sure it would hold me too, right?
I have never ever ever been on a frozen lake before and there is something so magical about it to me. It's something on my list for this winter so I figured it didn't matter that I was only wearing cowboy boots. ha.
Anyway, as I pulled in, the gentleman was headed back to his car to grab his skates... I asked him if I could grab a few pictures and we sat and chit chatted for a bit. I found out he was on his way to an a capella concert that he was singing in, and we all know how much I love aCapella! His presence just made me smile. Someone so alive that they would indulge in simple pleasures of the moment... simple pleasures like throwing on a pair of skates and taking advantage of a frozen pond.
Watching him out there was exactly what I want to be like when I grow up. I never want to lose the joy in being carefree and raptured by nature.
Since the sun was gone and I was without a flash, I had to bump the ISO up to like 48,000,000,000. But here are a few images I thought I'd share. Afterall, experiences are better when shared with others :)

this one is my FAV.

Im on a high right now because I just walked on a frozen lake.... I am way too easily amused.
I met you last year for a moment at Justin and Mary's workshop in Hartford-- and when I saw these images I just had to comment. I LOVE this post! Kinda' inspiring, isn't it? That second image looks like it could be a young 25-year-old guy skating- he looks so fit! I have a feeling that as much as he made you smile, it probably made his day to have you stop and talk with him. Thanks for sharing this with the world! :)
Soooo inspiring. And I love that you stopped what you were doing to experience it. Beautiful. :D
haha I forget what's it's like to actually like winter in boston. great shots and thanks for the reminder.
It is very interesting for me to read this blog. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Hi Shyla I saw you today at the Spread The Love :) With J & M
I just loved These Photos.. Makes me want to go out on a frozen lake, since I've never been on one either lol I've always been scared it will crack or something even knowing there's so many people on it lol.. Very Nice Post :) God Bless
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Holy crap, Shyla! I haven't visited your blog in a while, and I must say - you're GOOD! And I love your moxie...snapping pics of a random guy on a frozen pond!
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