Monday, March 14, 2011

Birds of a feather.

My hair stylist has been trying to convince me to sport blue or pink or even purple streaks in my hair for some time now. Just a few underneath... barely noticeable... but still, something along the lines of commitment phobia spring up and just can't do it.
BUT when I was traveling a few weeks back, I saw a friend with a tiny feather extension that I adored. So, naturally, I went in search of a salon here in Boston and a happy dance ensued when I found out MY salon actually just started doing them. So, today... I went under the clamp and got two feather extensions. You know, just to spice things up a bit.
They last 3-4 months so should I decide the relationship just isnt working out, I will definitely drop the "it's not you, it's me" line.

Until then, I am in love.

...and feel a strange aversion to today's CHICKEN salad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it looks amazing! how are you? i miss you! Speaking of Salons-- becasue i'm still crazy and get my hair done at home in CA-- do you love yours here? it's been 6 months since i had my hair cut...i'm desperate!!!!

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