Well, during last week's stint in SoCal and Vegas, those winds were a blowin'. Not in the physical sense, but in a LIFE sense. Does that even make 'SENSE'? Much happened, I was challenged, I was questioned, I was forced to reevaluate different areas of my life and I must admit the winds of change feel nice. Tiny little fires in my soul, simple little sparks, were fanned into flames and spread across the desert lands of my life. Contrary to the damage caused by real life Santa Ana's, the ones *I* experienced brought new life... exciting life.
I'll share them as they unfold but first let me begin with a challenge. While visiting Vegas and the WPPI convention, my darling Jasmine looked me in the eye, prefaced the following comment with "Im about to call you out on something" and then proceeded to ask why I don't blog anymore. I stumbled over my answers and dont think I really gave her an official one, but needless to say I am on a mission to remedy that. Because I took it as a challenge. ;)
I'll start with the rest of the month of March. I'll begin by trying to blog every WEEKday. Even if it's something simple. It will be good practice to get back in the habit.
So here is step one. day 1.
And I will leave you with one of my favorite favorite images. So simple, nothing spectacular photographically speaking, but it truly makes my heart smile....

Until Tomorrow...
Hi Shyla... totally love this beautiful photograph!
YAY! I'm so happy you'll be blogging more! I love your work, I think you have a super personality and you live in an area of the country that has captured my heart. In other words, you're my very favorite photographer and I'm super excited to "see" you more often! :)
this is straight out of an Anthropologie catalog girlfriend!
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