I was out to dinner with friends tonight and I heard a beautiful story about the power of creativity.
Translated from Russian, the story went something like this...
There was a blind man who sat along side the road with a sign that read "I am blind and I need money"...
Travelers came and went without so much as a dollar to offer in charity. Then one day, a creative man stumbled upon the blind man and his plea... He had an idea to help the man, and he took it upon himself to rewrite his sign.
The sign then read "I cannot see spring"..... after this, the blind man's pot was overflowing with money.
such a simple story but it really got me thinking about the power of creativity, community, and connection.
We are all creative, but its funny how our creativity really shines when it is used to benefit others... then there is community and realizing that without the benefit of community we would be blind to possibilities that simply take another point of view or perspective to make even better. And then there is the point of connection. Once the words of the sign were changed, people were able to connect and understand what this man was going through. As a person with optical sight, we cannot understand a blind world... but we can empathize with NOT being able to see something we can see and think is beautiful.
That story presents so many facets of correlation and potential reflection but I just thought I would share the to story with ya'all and you can interpret it however you wish :)
smile my friends.
Thanks for sharing that! :) That was insightful. :)
Wow. Thank you for sharing. Love that little story. So powerful.
I love this little story! You made it sound so good :)
love this, thank you for sharing shyla!
what a cool story. so much more than the typical "feel good" story. i'm going to steal that idea this weekend.
saw your post on the shah's blog. i really like what he writes. a friend who graduated from LIFE introduced to his page.
well i stalked so i had to say hi. your page looks way cool. if its with you, i'll probably read a few more blogs?
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